Reviewer Guide
Thank you for agreeing to review for the IJGC. Your expertise is invaluable in maintaining the high standards of our journal. This guide provides an overview of the responsibilities and expectations for reviewers, as well as the process for conducting a thorough and constructive review.
Review Process
Invitation to Review:
- You will receive an invitation via email with the manuscript title and abstract.
- Confirm your availability and expertise to review the manuscript within a specified timeframe.
- Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.
- Do not share or discuss the manuscript with others without permission from the editor.
Conflict of Interest:
- Declare any potential conflicts of interest before agreeing to review.
- If you have any financial, personal, or professional conflicts, inform the editor immediately.
Review Criteria:
- Originality: Is the research original and novel?
- Significance: Does the research contribute to the field?
- Methodology: Are the methods appropriate and well-described?
- Results and Discussion: Are the results clearly presented and supported by data? Are the interpretations and conclusions supported by the results?
- Conclusion: Are the conclusions clear and concise?
- References: Are relevant works cited appropriately?
Providing Feedback:
- Be constructive and respectful in your comments.
- Provide specific suggestions for improvement.
- Highlight both strengths and weaknesses.
- Avoid personal comments or criticisms.
- Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication with minor or no revisions.
- Minor Revisions: The manuscript can be accepted after minor revisions.
- Major Revisions: The manuscript requires significant changes before reconsideration.
- Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication.
Detailed Review Report
Title and Abstract:
- Does the title clearly reflect the content of the manuscript?
- Is the abstract concise and informative?
- Is the background adequately described?
- Are the research questions or hypotheses clearly stated?
- Is the study design appropriate?
- Are the methods clearly described and reproducible?
Results and Discussion:
- Are the findings clearly presented?
- Are the figures and tables appropriate and well-described?
- Are the results interpreted correctly?
- Are the conclusions supported by the data?
- Are the conclusions clear and concise?
- Do they reflect the findings of the study?
- Are the references current and relevant?
- Are there any significant works missing?
Submitting Your Review
- Submit your review via the journal's online submission system by the deadline.
- Ensure your review is comprehensive and well-organized.
- You may be asked to review a revised version of the manuscript.
- Provide a prompt and thorough review of the revised manuscript.
Reviewer Recognition
- Your contribution is highly valued, and you will be acknowledged in the journal.
- High-quality reviews may be recognized with reviewer awards or certificates.
Contact Information
For any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact the editorial office at
I appreciate your commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of the IJGC. Your expertise helps us advance knowledge and disseminate innovative research in our field.