Author Guidelines

Carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:
A. General Requirements
The minimum standard requirements of AJER must be: 

  1. Manuscripts written in the English Language
  2. Writing at least 8 pages long and no more than 25 pages. Editors evaluate if the manuscript more than 25 page
  3. The use of a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote or for reference management and formatting, and choose Vancouver Style.
  4. The paper begins with the manuscript title, author name, Author Affiliation, Address followed by an abstract written all 150-200 Words.
  5. If Indonesia language manuscript, then the abstract must be written in the language of Indonesia and English language of good and right. If the article United Kingdom, then the language abstract should be written in the language English. 
  6. Manuscript with the Online Submission System at . 
  7. Make sure that your paper is prepared using the AJER template.
  8. Notification of acceptance: within 30 (thirty) days after the date of the manuscript is sent.

B. Structure of The Manuscript

1. Introduction
The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Finally, briefly mention the main aim of the work and highlight the principal conclusions. As far as possible, please keep the introduction comprehensible to scientists outside your particular field of research. References should be numbered in order of appearance and indicated by a numeral or numerals in square brackets, e.g., (1) or (2,3), or (4–6). See the end of the document for further details on references. (Times New Roman, 12)

2. Method
Methods should be described with sufficient details to allow others to replicate and build on published results. Please note that publication of your manuscript implicates that you must make all materials, data, computer code, and protocols associated with the publication available to readers. Please disclose at the submission stage any restrictions on the availability of materials or information. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. Research manuscripts reporting large datasets that are deposited in a publicly available database should specify where the data have been deposited and provide the relevant accession numbers. If the accession numbers have not yet been obtained at the time of submission, please state that they will be provided during review. They must be provided prior to publication. Interventionary studies involving animals or humans, and other studies require ethical approval must list the authority that provided approval and the corresponding ethical approval code.

3. Results and Discussion
In this section is not re-write the research findings, but more scientifically reviewing the results of research, not restate data obtained research results. The scientific findings should be described in Science include: Do the scientific findings obtained? Why did it happen? Why such a variable trend? All these questions must be explained scientifically, not merely descriptive, must be supported by scientific phenomena. Furthermore, it should be explained also in comparison with the results of other researchers about the same topic. The results of the research and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction.

This section is mandatory, to be added to the manuscript even if the discussion is unusually long or complex. This section is mandatory, to be added to the manuscript even if the discussion is unusually long or complex. This section is mandatory, to be added to the manuscript even if the discussion is unusually long or complex. This section is mandatory, to be added to the manuscript even if the discussion is unusually long or complex. This section is mandatory, to be added to the manuscript even if the discussion is unusually long or complex.


All references cited in this article MUST BE CONTAINED IN THE CONTENTS OF THE ARTICLE and MANDATORY to use reference tools such as MENDELEY with Vancouver format, 80% PRIMARY literature (journals, proceedings, research reports, patents, standards, historical documents, research books) and 20 % SECONDARY literature (books, trustworthy websites) within at least the last 5 years.

References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text (including citations in tables and legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package (Mendeley) to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Citations and references in supplementary files are permitted, provided that they also appear in the reference list here.

In-Text Citations

  • Format: Use Arabic numerals in parentheses.
    • Example: Previous studies have shown significant results (1).
  • Multiple Citations: Use commas to separate non-sequential reference numbers and hyphens for a range of numbers.
    • Example: Previous studies have shown significant results (1, 3, 5-7).

Reference List

  • Order: List references in the order they appear in the text.
  • Numbering: Use Arabic numerals followed by a period.

Example Reference Formats

  • Journal Articles:
    • Format: Author(s) Last Name Initials. Title of the article. Journal Name. Year; Volume(Issue): Page range.
    • Example:
  1. Smith JA, Jones MB. The impact of climate change on marine ecosystems. Marine Biology. 2019;45(3):123-134.
  2. Lee R Bin, Lee KM, Lai CW, Pan G-T, Yang TCK, Juan JC. The relationship between iron and Ilmenite for photocatalyst degradation. Adv Powder Technol. 2018;29(8):1779–86.
  3. Supriyatna YI, Astuti W, Sumardi S, Prasetya A, Ginting LIB, Irmawati Y, et al. Correlation of Nano Titanium Dioxide Synthesis and the Mineralogical Characterization of Ilmenite Ore as Raw Material. Int J Technol. 2021;12(4).
  4. Haouti R El, Anfar Z, Et-Taleb S, Benafqir M, Lhanafi S, Alem N El. Removal of heavy metals and organic pollutants by a sand rich in iron oxide. Euro-Mediterranean J Environ Integr. 2018;3:1–11.
  • Books:
    • Format: Author(s) Last Name Initials. Title of the Book. Edition number (if any). Place of Publication: Publisher; Year.
    • Example: Brown LR. Understanding psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Psychology Press; 2021.
  • Book Chapters:
    • Format: Author(s) Last Name Initials. Title of the chapter. In: Editor(s) Initials Last Name, editor(s). Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year. Page range.
    • Example: Green TH. Cognitive development in adolescence. In: Black R, White S, editors. Advances in child psychology. London: Academic Press; 2020. p. 45-67.
  • Websites:


  • Font: Use a readable font such as Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • Spacing: Double-space all references.
  • Hanging Indent: Use a hanging indent for each reference (the first line of the reference is flush left, and subsequent lines are indented).

Additional Notes

  • Ensure all references cited in the text are included in the reference list and vice versa.
  • Verify that URLs are correct and accessible.
  • Supplementary files may contain citations and references, but they must also be listed in the main reference list.

For further questions or additional clarifications, please refer to the latest guidelines from the editorial office.