Ergonomics Risk Control on Occupational Safety of Service Personnel in Muhamammadiyah Bandung


  • Sulis Widia Astuti Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
  • Ai Susi Susanti Polteknik Piksi Ganesha



risk management, ergonomics, work safety, service officer, musculoskeletal


The importance of implementing ergonomics in a hospital environment to improve the occupational safety and health of service workers. Service workers at Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Bandung work in an environment that is not ergonomic, they are more vulnerable to health problems such as fatigue, muscle and joint injuries, and even the risk of accidents. The purpose of this study was to determine ergonomic risk control on occupational safety of service personnel at the Muhammadiyah Bandung Hospital. The research method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The research techniques were interviews and observations to service officers of the information unit, outpatient registration, and logistics. The results showed that service officers at the Muhammadiyah Bandung Hospital experienced complaints at work due to facilities that were not ergonomic, such as chairs, tables, narrow rooms, and leaking roofs. To reduce the risk of work accidents, hospital management checks the facilities in each room unit every 3 (three) months and conducts training on ergonomic risk control so that officers are more aware and understand the importance of ergonomics to health.  


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How to Cite

Astuti, S. W., & Susanti, A. S. (2024). Ergonomics Risk Control on Occupational Safety of Service Personnel in Muhamammadiyah Bandung . Asian Journal of Environmental Research, 1(2), 49–57.


